Learn How to Edit Your Commitments

Overcoming Depression One Day at a Time
January 16, 2011
Living Well
January 21, 2011
Overcoming Depression One Day at a Time
January 16, 2011
Living Well
January 21, 2011

Learn How to Edit Your Commitments

Cut out everything that’s not necessary and you’ve got a more meaningful life.

I highly recommend editing your life. Take an inventory of the commitments in your life. Here are some common ones:

Work – we have multiple commitments at our jobs. List them all.

Side work – side jobs to take in money. More commitments.

Family – we may play a role as husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter. These roles come with many commitments.

Kids – kids interests such as soccer, choir, basketball, spelling bee, and more. Each of their commitments are yours too.

Civic – we may volunteer for different organizations, or be a board member or officer on a non-profit organization.

Religious – many of us are very involved with our churches, or are part of a church organization. Or perhaps we are committed to going to service once a week.

Hobbies – perhaps you are a runner or a cyclist, or you build models, or are part of a secret underground comic book organization. These come with – surprise! – commitments.

Home – aside from regular family stuff, there’s the stuff you have to do at home.

Online – we may be a regular on a forum or mailing list or Google group. These are online communities that come with commitments too.

You might have other categories. List everything!

Now take a close look at each thing on the list, and consider: How does this give my life value? How important is it to me? Is it in line with my life priorities and values? How would it affect my life if I dropped out? Does this further my life goals?

These are tough questions, but I suggest seeing if you can eliminate just one thing —the thing that gives you the least return for your invested time and effort. The thing that’s least in line with your life values and priorities and goals. Cut it out, at least for a couple weeks, and see if you can get along without it. Revisit this list at that time and see if you can cut something else out. Edit mercilessly, keeping only those that really mean something to you.

Each time you cut a commitment, it may give you a feeling of guilt, because others want you to keep that commitment. But it’s also a huge relief, not having to do that commitment each day or week or month. It frees up a lot of your time, and while others may be disappointed, you have to keep what’s important to you in mind, not everyone else. If we committed to what everyone else wanted all the time, we would never have any time left for ourselves.

Take the time to edit your commitments, and your life will be greatly simplified. You will thank yourself for it.

Source: zenhabits.net 2010